Public Video Surveillance: Using the Fog to Increase Privacy


In public video surveillance, there is an inherent conflict between public safety goals and privacy needs of citizens. Generally, societies tend to decide on middleground solutions that sacrifice neither safety nor privacy goals completely. In this paper, we propose an alternative to existing approaches that rely on cloud-based video analysis. Our approach leverages the inherent geo-distribution of fog computing to preserve privacy of citizens while still supporting camera-based digital manhunts of law enforcement agencies.

Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Middleware and Applications for the Internet of Things
Dr. Jonathan Hasenburg
Dr. Jonathan Hasenburg
Software Architect

I did my PhD on optimizing data distribution for IoT applications with a heavy focus on pub/sub systems that are, among others, based on MQTT. Now I am working for RIO (Bosch Group) as a Software Architect on topics concerning any part of our Home Connect Plus offering with a focus on the Cloud backend and Matter.